Ontario Wildlife Custodians

Ontario Wildlife Custodians

The Ontario Wildlife Custodians Association is dedicated to improving and promoting the profession of Wildlife Rehabilitation in the province of Ontario.

As wildlife Custodians we care for injured, orphaned and displaced wildlife in the province of Ontario. Membership to OWCA is restricted to AWC and individuals/organizations with an invested interest in our profession. For more information on membership see the membership tab in the menu.

Our resource library is accesable to members and can be found under the members login tab. Check back often as we keep adding new resources

If you are an AWC or OWC member please join the discussion on Facebook.

Visit our NEWS page for regular updates on research and disease issues.

We do not take in wildlife. If you have found wildlife in need of care please contact a Wildlife Custodian near you by using the link below

To locate an Authorized Wildlife Custodian in your area: Click Here